
Just would like to welcome you to my blog

Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting better at blogging

I've been having a difficult time coming up with material to put into my blog. I have a hard time as it is to express myself. I always seem to get writers block unless a topic is put before me to write about. Once something is put before me I can write with the best of them. This was not always the case though. I was once a published poet and wrote several short stories that are used in my old high school English classes. I also did some drawings and clay sculptures that won numerous prizes for me and my school. Maybe Sir Ken Robinson was right school has killed my creativity. As I got better in school mathematics, science, and other class subjects. I've gotten worse in my creativity. It is up to me to get better at both. I need to take some time out of my busy schedule and do something creative. The more I do this the more it will come back to me. It would be shameful to lose something that I loved dearly in the past.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It has come to that time of year when the semester ends and it is time to show what you know. I have two classes this semester but they are very difficult classes. They require different ways of studying for these test. It is always the most stressful time to get through. I have not been able to give my best work due to personal duties but I still give everything I can to get the best grade I can get. No matter what life throws at you, you must prevail. These are just tests for real life. I must prepare myself for this.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finishing a Group Project

It's been a difficult two weeks to finished a video group project for a class project. It's was nice to have such a good group of members behind you to get the job done. It is never good when in some projects I've been in I had to carry the bulk of the weight. We delegated the tasks amoungs our group equally. We all had complete input from all members throughout the video making process. We made ourselves available at antime to finish our task at hand. I do not know if I will ever have this group synergy again but I'm glad I did.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Writer's Block

It is hard coming up with things to say. I've always been a good listener and reader but never a talker or writer. This could be a bad thing for a blog or blogger. I try to look back at whats happening or happened in my life to get some ideas. Using your own experiences are a very healthy and helpful way to express yourself. This is a good way to talk to yourself with out looking crazy in public. This is your platform your stage let yourself shine. I can't believe how much my shyness comes out even while blogging. Hopefully the more I blog the more I'll come out of my shell. I don't want to change the fact that I'm a good listener and reader. I want to also add good talker and writer. Through this I will eventually defeat writer's block.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Close calls

I had a lot of close calls today driving. Doesing it seem sometimes that the only person driving with any sense is yourself. I had to control my temper so that I could control my driving. This was an easy task by doing what a previous Professor told me, Give them a disease. You don't literally wish it upon the person you are just justifying the persons actions. It will help you understand why the person cut you off in line at the grocery store, on the road. or bumped into you. It also helps you at work to humanize a person instead of villainize them. This will help in turn create a nice comfortable paradigm for yourself.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr Phil Show

Went with CSUSB to a taping of the Dr Phil show today. It was a very interesting experience. We saw three tapings and one took me back. There was a gentleman there who was a compulsive cheater and was using the "I'm a sex addict" that is real popular to use today. He asked the group of experts if one could be a sex addict or if it is a legitimate excuse, three out of four said yes he could be a sex addict. He then proceeded to ask the audience with a sound of clapping what we thought and the outcome was about 10% yes on the excuse and 90% no.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Something that strucked me in class

My Professor stated that, "All people have biases you need to know your own biases". Still in my head trying to come up with my own answer.