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Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting better at blogging

I've been having a difficult time coming up with material to put into my blog. I have a hard time as it is to express myself. I always seem to get writers block unless a topic is put before me to write about. Once something is put before me I can write with the best of them. This was not always the case though. I was once a published poet and wrote several short stories that are used in my old high school English classes. I also did some drawings and clay sculptures that won numerous prizes for me and my school. Maybe Sir Ken Robinson was right school has killed my creativity. As I got better in school mathematics, science, and other class subjects. I've gotten worse in my creativity. It is up to me to get better at both. I need to take some time out of my busy schedule and do something creative. The more I do this the more it will come back to me. It would be shameful to lose something that I loved dearly in the past.

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