
Just would like to welcome you to my blog

Monday, May 10, 2010

Writer's Block

It is hard coming up with things to say. I've always been a good listener and reader but never a talker or writer. This could be a bad thing for a blog or blogger. I try to look back at whats happening or happened in my life to get some ideas. Using your own experiences are a very healthy and helpful way to express yourself. This is a good way to talk to yourself with out looking crazy in public. This is your platform your stage let yourself shine. I can't believe how much my shyness comes out even while blogging. Hopefully the more I blog the more I'll come out of my shell. I don't want to change the fact that I'm a good listener and reader. I want to also add good talker and writer. Through this I will eventually defeat writer's block.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Close calls

I had a lot of close calls today driving. Doesing it seem sometimes that the only person driving with any sense is yourself. I had to control my temper so that I could control my driving. This was an easy task by doing what a previous Professor told me, Give them a disease. You don't literally wish it upon the person you are just justifying the persons actions. It will help you understand why the person cut you off in line at the grocery store, on the road. or bumped into you. It also helps you at work to humanize a person instead of villainize them. This will help in turn create a nice comfortable paradigm for yourself.