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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr Phil Show

Went with CSUSB to a taping of the Dr Phil show today. It was a very interesting experience. We saw three tapings and one took me back. There was a gentleman there who was a compulsive cheater and was using the "I'm a sex addict" that is real popular to use today. He asked the group of experts if one could be a sex addict or if it is a legitimate excuse, three out of four said yes he could be a sex addict. He then proceeded to ask the audience with a sound of clapping what we thought and the outcome was about 10% yes on the excuse and 90% no.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Something that strucked me in class

My Professor stated that, "All people have biases you need to know your own biases". Still in my head trying to come up with my own answer.